Monday, August 31, 2009

what a day?

what a day...? its September.....1 more week to final exam....and guess what? i haven't study yet...haha....this semester seems to be the busiest semester ever...for this moment,i guess....actually,I'm in college now to submit my Communication Skills 3 file but i just found out that our Lovely Ms.Freda is absent today....luckily also because i haven't finish it yet,hehe.....that's all for now peeps...wanna have some fun first before the final exam.....oooo,yeaaaa.......C Yeaaa.....=)

Thursday, August 27, 2009


what do you really think about friendship.? do we consider close friend as our best friend....? well..... it depends on the situation...i guess i better don't think too much....anyway, nobody can be to go now.....going to Customer Service class......see yea......;)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Did our Lovely Lecturer really get mad....?

We just finish our Communication Skills class just now....Sad to tell that we just make a really big mistake to our beloved lecturer...YEAA...we did...!!! This is the first ever she mad towards us..She told us that man...we are so wow...but we didn't do that for purposely...maybe we just didn't give more attention when she gave lectured...hehe....hopefully our presentation make her happy...i think that's for now...will be continue.........